Cornmeal Crusted Rainbow Trout with Bacon & Brie

Cornmeal Crusted Rianbow Trout : recipe yields 1 to 2 portions

1 ea Rainbow Trout ( cleaned )
½ c Cornmeal – flour mixture ( equal proportions )
1-2 oz. Cooking Oil
2 slices Applewood Smoked Bacon
2 slices Brie Cheese
2T Fresh Ripe Plum Tomato ( Diced )
¼ c Italian Parsley ( washed and picked )
½ c Frisée ( washed and trimmed )
2-3 ea Lemon ( juice of ) (1-2 for sauce, 1 for salad )
tt Kosher salt
tt Fresh ground black pepper
2 oz. Paprika & Saffron sauce ( recipe to follow )

Method of preparation:
Prepare the Fish Fumét (stock) for the sauce ahead. Prepare the bacon slices ahead.

  1. Prepare all ingredients as directed.

  2. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees for finishing the Trout with melted cheese.

  3. Lightly dredge the Trout in cornmeal mixture, season with salt and pepper.

  4. Pan-fry the Trout, assemble the bacon and Brie, finish in the oven.

  5. Remove Trout and finish with diced plum tomato.

  6. Arrange plate with salad and sauce.

This dish works well as a small portion for multiple dinner courses or luncheon when half the Trout is served. Also when the whole Trout is prepared and folded over the bacon & Brie “ stuffing ” it is an ample main course.

Paprika & Saffron sauce for Cornmeal Crusted Rainbow Trout

Ingredients: yields 1 qt.
3 oz. Whole Butter ( unsalted )
1 T Shallots ( chopped )
1  t Paprika
½ T Saffron Threads ( minced )
2-3 oz. A. P. Flour
3 oz. Sherry Wine
24 oz. Fish Fumét ( prepare in advance )
tt Kosher Salt
tt White Pepper
8 oz. Half & Half
1 ea. Lemon ( juice of )
1-2 oz. Sherry Wine ( finishing touch )

Method of preparation:
Prepare Fish Fumét; simple broth of fish trim or bones, gently simmered for 20- 30 minutes with onion, parsley stems, dry spice thyme, bay leaf, and salt and pepper to taste. Feel free to drop in any other vegetable trimmings, herbs, or wine as you wish.

  1. In a heavy bottom sauce pan; melt the butter with the shallots and allow to cook for a brief period of time. Careful not to brown the shallots. 

  2. Add the Paprika and Saffron and flour to create a roux.

  3. Deglaze with Sherry wine and Fumét, simmer for 10 minutes.

  4. Season with salt and pepper and add half & half. Simmer a few more minutes, while preparing the Trout.

  5. Strain the sauce, season to taste with lemon and Sherry, adjust salt and pepper. Reserve the sauce hot for service.

Method of preparation:
Prepare Fish Fumét; simple broth of fish trim or bones, gently simmered for 20- 30 minutes with onion, parsley stems, dry spice thyme, bay leaf, and salt and pepper to taste. Feel free to drop in any other vegetable trimmings, herbs or wine as you wish.

In a heavy bottom sauce pan; melt the butter with the shallots and allow to cook for a brief period of time. Careful not to brown the shallots. Add the Paprika and Saffron and flour to create a roux. Deglaze with Sherry wine and Fumét, simmer for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and add half & half. Simmer a few more minutes, while preparing the Trout.
Strain the sauce, season to taste with lemon and Sherry, adjust salt and pepper. Reserve the sauce hot for service.