The Chef's Kitchen

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New England Scallops

New England Scallops
Serves 4

½ pound bay scallops
1 blood orange, segmented
1 navel orange, segmented
1 Meyer lemon
½ cup chervil springs
¼ cup tarragon sprigs
¼ cup picked mint leaves
extra virgin olive oil
1 Tablespoon canola oil
1 Tablespoon butter
piment d’Espelette
salt & pepper
4 bamboo skewers

Scallop Consomme

1 ½ pounds fresh sea scallops
2 quarts water
1 bay leaf
2 sprigs thyme
4 black pepper corns
¼ cup sliced scallion tops
1 Tablespoon thyme oil
Sea salt to taste

Method of Preparation:
Arrange orange segments out on four plates. Skewer six scallops on each bamboo skewer and season with salt & pepper. Heat a sauté pan to medium-high. Sear scallops on one side till golden brown. Turn over, add butter until it foams and then squeeze a few drops of Meyer lemon over the top and toss. Remove from pan. Place scallops on citrus lined plates. Dress herbs with a little Meyer lemon, olive oil and salt. Lay dressed herbs over scallops and sprinkle with piment d’Espelette.

Scallop Consomme
Method of Preparation:

Blanch scallops in salted boiling water for 2 minutes. Strain and pat dry. Pre-heat oven to 175 degrees and dehydrate scallops till hard and has no give. (approx 24 hours) In a 3 quart sauce pan re-hydrate the dry scallops with 2 quarts of water, bay leaf and peppercorns and bring to a simmer for 2 hours or until reduced to 1 quart. Strain liquid and season with sea salt. Serve with chopped scallion, blanched agnolotti and drops of thyme oil.